Bluetooth - Scan devices

Enter Discovery Mode

Start scan discovering Bluetooth device, enter Discovery Mode

bluetoothctl scan on

Press ctrl + z to keep scanning in background, when discovered the Bluetooth device

scanning should stop after paired Bluetooth device

Output response: start discovery

Discovery started

[CHG] Device 7A:CE:82:C3:C2:C8 RSSI: -63
[CHG] Device 39:EF:AD:84:E4:A4 RSSI: -75
[NEW] Device 10:2B:41:17:19:7D [TV] Samsung TU7000 55 TV
[NEW] Device F8:4E:17:A7:72:D1 WH-XB910N
[NEW] Device 45:D3:C5:29:AA:E8 45-D3-C5-29-AA-E8

Exit Dicovery Mode

We have keep scanning the Bluetooth device in background bring the bluetoothctl scan to foreground and stop it to exit Discovery Mode


Press ctrl + c stop bluetoothctl scan to exit Discovery Mode