Mount - USB Mass Storage Device

Window Subsystem with Linux (WSL)

1. Plug in USB Mass Storage Device / Flash


2. Check all storage volume information


Output Message

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus  SizeRemaining      Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ -----------------  -------------      ----
C           OS           NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                     ### 285.25 GB 476.27 GB
            EFI          FAT### 32          Removable Healthy      OK                     196.91 MB 196.91 MB
F           R_FLASH      FAT### 32          Removable Warning      Full Repair Needed       7.29 GB   7.29 GB
                         FAT### 32          Fixed     Healthy      OK                      65.36 MB     96 MB
                         NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                      ### 84.47 MB    566 MB

The Usb Mass Storage Device locate on F

3. Mount Drive into WSL

<usb_drive_letter>: F

create a mount directory for drive:

sudo mkdir /mnt/<usb_drive_letter>

Mount drive into WSL

sudo mount -t drvfs <usb_drive_letter>: /mnt/<usb_drive_Letter> -o uid=$(id -u $USER),gid=$(id -g $USER),metadata
  • Example: F drive

    sudo mkdir /mnt/f
    sudo mount -t drvfs f: /mnt/f -o uid=$(id -u $USER),gid=$(id -g $USER),metadata

4. Check disk information, mass storage device will mounted as filesystem


Output message:

Filesystem      ### 1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none              ### 2007008         4   2007004   1% /mnt/wsl
drvfsa            ### 7643536        64   7643472   1% /mnt/f

5. Access mass storage device

cd /mnt/<drive_of_letter>

6. Umount mass storage device, when not in use

sudo umount /mnt/<drive_of_letter>
sudo rm -rf /mnt/<drive_of_letter>

7. Check disk filesystem, the umount device is removed
